Sustained Distinguished Presence of I-BIZ Team

As usual, I-BIZ Teams have always been diligently at the scene of all IACCI’s Reconstruction Shows and Conferences. Such was the case at International DBX 4, 2008.

The attendance of I-BIZ is a significant gain to the welfare of Suleimaniya City by virtue of its acquaintance with the industrial status quo of the City. Arees Serkisian, IBIZ’s representative at DBX 4 declared the following:

“Our team is competent at logistic services of I-BIZ Program. We are an integrated team working to help Iraqi industrialists. We spent more than 2 billion dollars on this program. We provide simple services to Iraqis in secured locations of 15 military bases. We provide a land free of charge and requirements for more than 65 Iraqi businesses that serve the MNF-I, e.g. potable water, kitchen utensils, general household shops, car servicing, car washing, car greasing, Caterpillar generators repairs, Mercedes and Riva trucks repairs. This offered job opportunities to thousands of Iraqi workers and technicians and great savings to the Iraqi economy. We provide simple services to Iraqis in secured locations of 15 military bases. We provide requirements for more than 65 Iraqi businesses that permanently serve MNF-I in 15 bases for car servicing, washing and greasing, Caterpillar generators repairs, Mercedes and Riva trucks repairs. There is a shopping center. There are more than 400 people working in this Program. This offered job opportunities to more than 4000 Iraqi workers and technicians with good pay.”

A member of I-BIZ Team, Mudheffer Jemeel, declared, “Our Team has accomplished, within a short time, great tasks dedicated to the service of Iraqi economy. IACCI has endeavored to introduce to the public the great tasks performed by the Team through holing several shows and conferences in Baghdad and Suleimaniya, particularly DBX4, 2008; we were a success in formerly insecure regions and we will move on to other regions. We evaluate IACCI’s role of cooperation with I-BIZ.”

A repair workshop owner, Jebir ‘Abboud, declared, “I worked in this I-BIZ’s workshop since 10 months with 7 assistants. There are other shops in the area, which freely conduct their businesses. This Program has helped to instill the spirit of hope in craftsmen in the aftermaths of violence in their districts that destroyed their property, with consequent immigration to somewhere else with no means for livelihood. However, hope was back again by virtue of the efforts of benevolent peoples of great Iraq.”