Sustained Distinguished Presence of I-BIZ Team

As usual, I-BIZ Teams have always been diligently at the scene of all IACCI’s Reconstruction Shows and Conferences. Such was the case at International DBX 4, 2008.
The attendance of I-BIZ is a significant gain to the welfare of Suleimaniya City by virtue of its acquaintance with the industrial status quo of the City. Arees Serkisian, IBIZ’s representative at DBX 4 declared the following: 
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I-BIZ participates in 9 Nissan Expo &Conference

9 Nissan Expo and Conference held on the 29th and 30th of August at the Meriden Hotel in Baghdad was the fourth consecutive event called Road Shows covering all nine districts in Baghdad, the event spotlight a specific district with 100 private, public works, NGO's in the district. ePRT 2 funded the event, Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce organized the event and the local district council of 9 Nissan was the sponsor of the event.
IACCI represented I-BIZ with an information desk and participated in the conference by conducting an orientation to informed and recruited Iraqi companies, some 50 Iraqi companies attended the orientation and many showed interest in the concept behind I-BIZ.
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On Monday August 28th, at BIAP Business Center, a business get-together was conducted to facilitate Iraqi companies’ efforts to acquire reconstruction business contracts.
IACCI’s CEO, Mr. Raad Ommar, welcomed the attending companies’ directors for that purpose. They were about 30 directors (with their assistants) engaged in various fields.
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Teaching skills come in handy in Iraq for local instructor
Martinsville High School teacher Jon Marion giving economic lessons in Iraq

Jon Marion teaches an economics class at Martinsville High School in addition to social studies, U.S. history and government.
Today, though he is more than 6,700 miles from home, he finds himself still teaching a familiar subject — just to a different audience. Maj. Marion, who is assistant operations officer and brigade fire support officer for the 76th Brigade in Iraq, is part of the group that is helping Iraqis start small businesses in an attempt to jumpstart the local economy.
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On the 15th of June, 2008 Rasafa District tradeshow and conference was held at the Palestine Hotel

some 100 exhibitors participated and IBIZ was represented by Iraqi American Chamber of Commerce and Industry another way to recruit IBIZ participants.
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Economic Improvements Needed to Stabilize Iraq

by Peter Kenyon
Weekend Edition Sunday, February 24, 2008 · U.S. and Iraqi officials hail improvements in Iraq's security, but they say economic improvements — especially job creation — are urgently needed. Government and military spending are picking up, but the private sector still has much catching up to do.
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Getting Iraq To Work

By Jim Golby
Sunday, October 14, 2007; B01

Outside TIKRIT, IraqI'm sick of hearing about all the horrible things that happen in Iraq without ever hearing about any of the good ones. That's not because horrible things don't occur here every day; they do. I've witnessed far more death and sadness than I wish anyone ever had to see. And it's not because I believe in some left-wing media conspiracy. If I'm affiliated with a political party at all, I honestly can't remember which one it is.
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Freedom Journal Iraq, Nov. 15
(News/Freedom Journal Iraq)
Wednesday, 14 November 2007

...ll; Farmland Raid • Train Station Restored Watch Now I-Biz Summit – Coalition pioneers program for economic reform. I-Biz Security &ndash...
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Iraqi Freedom Minute, Nov. 15
(News/Iraqi Freedom Minute)
Wednesday, 14 November 2007

I-Biz Summit – Coalition pioneers program for economic reform. Watch Now
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MNF-I initiative provides contracts to Iraqi businesses
(News/Press Releases)
Sunday, 10 June 2007

...or Iraqis within an initiative designed to help boost local economies. The Iraqi-based Industrial Zone (I-BIZ) initiative plays a role in rebuilding Iraq and underscores a unity of purpose and effort...
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